Backstube Rindern Barni & Wilma Müslimanufaktur

YAY! We're expanding!

hey, you breakfast lover

Easter was already a week ago. Were you able to enjoy the holidays?
For us, the time actually felt a bit like a vacation. The great weather and a few free, warm days - that was really nice and felt pretty good.
Especially considering that the coming weeks and months will certainly be extremely exciting for us. Although, to be honest, it's always been kind of exciting in the past. ;-)

If you follow us on social media, you may have heard this??
It's now official - we're expanding!
More on this below...

Today we would also like to focus on one of our partners again. This one isn't that far away from us - around the corner, so to speak.

We're expanding!

Barni & Wilma has been around for more than 1.5 years now. It's hard to believe how quickly time has passed and what has happened since then. We are now able to supply so many retailers, especially here on the Lower Rhine, and at the same time the number of our online shop customers continues to increase.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you “personally” again.
Without your loyalty, encouragement and great, positive feedback, this next step would not have been possible. So we gathered all our courage and made the decision that we would expand this year.

What does that mean exactly?
In the next few weeks we will be giving up our original basement production and moving into a larger bakery in Kleve. We will also be broadening our personnel base.

A lot of renovation work is currently taking place in the future bakery.
At the same time, we are taking care of the furnishings and equipment that we will need there. This of course includes the heart of our future bakery, the oven.
We recently went to the Wachtel company in Hilden and tested our granola.
With the result that we will be able to welcome and inaugurate our Wachtel rack oven in Kleve in just a few weeks. Yipppiee!!! #pureanticipation

Of course, there is a lot of paperwork and organizational work to be done at the same time. And the ongoing shortage of raw materials and rising energy prices are also on our minds.

But that hasn't stopped us from taking this next big step and we remain fully motivated and very passionate about living our dream of owning our own company.

We hope that with our newfound capacity we can reach even more people with our roasted mueslis and inspire them, thereby contributing to a wonderful start to the day.

We will continue to report on progress and news in the next editions of our newsletter.

Ophey's Spargelhof on the Niers

Anyone who lives in Kessel knows Opheys and the associated asparagus farm on the Niers. Almost right around the corner from us. In addition to the fantastic farm café, which is very busy during the asparagus season, there is also a self-service shop that is open daily.

There you can of course get everything related to asparagus, strawberries, eggs, fresh potatoes and many other field vegetables. In addition to products from our own farm, there is also a selection of sauces, wines, raw and cooked ham from regional production.
Not to forget our Granolas - in all varieties, as well as in 350g and 750g bags. Also some of our dried fruits.
You will also find fantastic ice cream in small to-go cups from Kevelaerer Landmomenten - also one of our customers. The ice cream tastes pretty good, especially in combination with our granola.

As always, we are pleased that we can sell our products there and that all granola lovers from the Lower Rhine have another place to go here in the area.


Crispy greetings from
Barni & Wilma

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