KiBa Smoothiebowl mit Buchweizen Granola glutenfrei vegan

KiBa Smoothie Bowl with banana and Jana Banana Granola

How about a summer smoothie bowl with banana for breakfast?
Chia pudding with mango Reading KiBa Smoothie Bowl with banana and Jana Banana Granola 1 minute Next Topped banana

KiBa Smoothie Bowl with banana and Jana Banana Granola

How about a summer smoothie bowl with banana for breakfast?

The recipe can be wonderfully combined with our gluten-free granola variety Jana Banana .

Preparation time: 10 min

Servings: 1


For the bowl:

1.5 bananas (if you want the consistency of the smoothie bowl to be more like ice cream, you can freeze the bananas or half of them beforehand)
160g frozen cherries
150ml coconut milk

For the topping:

30g Jana Banana Granola
1/2 banana
A few cherries


Blend the ingredients for the bowl in a blender until smooth. Then put these in a bowl and top them with granola , banana and cherries.

Bon Appetite!

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