Warum Ahornsirup die bessere Wahl gegenüber raffiniertem Zucker ist

Why maple syrup is the better choice over refined sugar

Maple syrup is more than just a sweetener - unlike refined sugar, it contains valuable minerals and antioxidants, supports a more even blood sugar level and offers a unique flavor. That's why we us...
Granola mit getrockneten Apfelchips

Apple crisps

Apple chips are a popular snack option made from thin slices of apples. They are crunchy and have a sweet taste. Apple chips are often considered a healthier alternative to traditional chips...
Kokosöl nativ Bio-Qualität

coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most natural oils available to us.
Overnight Oats mit Granola Topping

Overnight Oats

What are overnight oats? Overnight oats are a delicious, easy, and healthy breakfast dish that's growing in popularity. The idea behind overnight oats is that you mix oatmeal , milk or yogurt, and ...
Porridge mit Granola Topping


Porridge - the new trend dish What is porridge? Porridge is a traditional breakfast in many parts of the world, particularly in northern and north-western Europe. It consists of crushed oatmeal tha...
Buchweizen, das glutenfreie Pseudogetreide

Buckwheat, the gluten-free pseudocereal

Did you know that buckwheat is not a grain? Which, by the way, means that it is gluten-free and also contains no wheat lectins. By the way, it has absolutely nothing to do with grain...
Haferflocken - alles andere als langweilig

Oatmeal - anything but boring

Oatmeal, the basis for most of our granola . Both in the Mandel Britta as well as in Hafer Hans we use them. Rolled oats, a low-gluten whole grain product that can be divided into 3 different types.
Granola, was ist das?

Granola, what is that?

Granola comes from the American and translated into German means something like "muesli-like grain". However, in the end it mostly consists of rolled oats, nuts, (dried) fruits and a sweetener.
Die Mandel

The almond

Did you know that almonds are officially not nuts but kernels? We only use the sweetest and crunchy variety in our granolas (e.g. in the Mandel Britta) - Nonpareil. This variety is mainly grown in ...

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