Discover delicious and quick breakfast recipes
Kuchen und Gebäck
Mikrowellen Zimtschnecke
Liebe Zimtschnecken-Fans, haltet eure Geschmacksknospen fest, denn heute gibt es ein episches Zimtschnecken-Rezept für die Mikrowelle!
Kuchen und Gebäck
Lava Cake
Verwandle deinen Lava-Cake in einen Knuspertraum!
Unser Geheimtipp: Ein unwiderstehliches...
Kuchen und Gebäck
Easter quark cookies
Easter is just around the corner - would you like an unusual Easter recipe? Of course, the granola topping should not be missing.
Kuchen und Gebäck
breakfast cookies
Breakfast biscuits with almond Britta topping
Today there is a recipe for all breakfast and cookie lovers. For some of you it can just be a little something in the morning? Then this is exactly ...
Kuchen und Gebäck
Cake for breakfast, why not?
I am a very, very big cake lover. So it makes sense to treat yourself to a little something for breakfast. Also known as “breakfast cake” in professional circles. All you have to do is give the chi...